Tutoring online Math, Programming, Physics

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Publisher: Simplex Solver

Tutoring online Math, Programming, Physics

Cristian Oprea is tutoring online Math, Programming, Physics.
Javascript Poker game >>> Play online Jacks or Beter Video Poker
Fri, 08 Apr 2011 06:35:58 -0400

Javascript Poker 1.0 is a video poker game based on Jacks or Better Poker rules.

After you click DEAL button, Javascript Poker 1.0 starts out with a newly shuffled deck. Initially you are dealt 5 cards face up. You get to keep the cards you like and discard the cards you don't like. To keep the cards just click on the HELD button under the card. Then click DEAL button and new cards will replace the discarded ones. At this point, your hand will be evaluated and you will be credited accordingly.

Try now Javascript Poker 1.0 . If you like the game buy it and enable all features :

  • DEAL, BET, HELD buttons
  • Credit, Won, Game Over labels
  • Automatic detection of winning cards and winning hand
  • The possibility of doubling the winnings (RED card / BLACK card)

Good luck !

Simplex Solver 1.0 solves and teaches you the method in a visual way.
Fri, 08 Apr 2011 06:35:55 -0400

Simplex Solver 1.0 optimizes (maximizes or minimizes) a linear objective function Z subject to a number of linear restrictions (first degree equalities and inequalities).

After entering the input data press Solve button and move your mouse over tables cells. You will find a visual description of how the numerical values were obtained.

Try now Simplex Solver 1.0 . If you like this software buy it and enable all features :

  • Input data can be integers, regular numbers, fractions or a mixture of them.
  • Regular numbers and non-regular numbers are converted to irreducible fractions.
  • Complex input validation using regular expressions
  • Advanced ToolTips in different colours
  • Dynamic generation of tables and HTML tags
  • And more ...

Live Math Help | Computer Science Homework Help | Online Physics Tutor
Fri, 08 Apr 2011 06:35:52 -0400

Computer Science Homework Help

Are you searching for online Computer Science Homework Help? Need Live Math Help? Are you looking for an Online Physics Tutor? I teach online computer science, math and physics for peoples all over the world.

My name is Cristian Oprea and I�m a freelancer from Romania. I graduated in 2002 the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers from Bucharest. I'm also head of promotion. During more than 8 years in the computer programming industry I have worked with many different people on various projects and as a result I gained some unique and strong experience in the IT field. You are my guest to test online or buy two of my favorite programs:

  • Javascript Poker 1.0 is a video poker game based on Jacks or Better Poker rules.
  • Simplex Solver 1.0 optimizes (maximizes or minimizes) a linear objective function Z subject to a number of linear restrictions (first degree equalities and inequalities).

I will give you good news. You're in the right place. We can work together regardless you live in Romania or in another part of the earth. Current software applications developed for the Internet allow a realistic audio/video remote communication. Daily practice and rich personal experience in the field of Computer Science Homework Help entitle me to say that this communication is always possible and easy to achieve even with a novice user. The only condition required is access to the Internet. Of course, it is done when you read these lines.

Live Math Help | Online Physics Tutor

During the 8 years since I give live math help I searched continuously to maximize the benefits for pupils and students. Of the thousands of interactive software applications that illustrate important concepts and theorems in mathematics and physics I have carefully selected the best. Some applications are so powerful that not only solve numerically but also symbolically most types of problems of algebra and calculus. Those shows all the steps followed in solving the problem. Thus, in the absence of an Online Physics Tutor or Live Math Help, the student can confidently use those programs.

Multiple choice tests are used increasingly often in high school, college admission, and student exams. I am an expert in solving them. Besides the classical way of finding the right solution, I know various techniques to eliminate wrong answer choices. Those help a lot in saving time available and are also a saving solution when you have forgotten the formulas.

Homework, projects and software to be done in computer science, mathematics, physics or related areas are often require Computer Science Homework Help, Live Math Help or an Online Physics Tutor. If you need help they will be attached as files to the email message.

Upon request, we can start a free phone call over the Internet using Yahoo Messenger or Skype. As I suggested in the beginning, using certain software applications, as long as my student will allow, I can view and interact with programs on his desktop. The student can see this interaction and therefore he can ask questions.In this way we overcome distance barriers placed between us and communicate audio and video about the project in electronic format.

Finally, payment of these services can be easily made by electronic transfer of cash at any bank counter. If you need my help, do not hesitate to contact me.

Meditatii Online |Meditatii Matematica |Meditatii Informatica |Fizica
Fri, 08 Apr 2011 06:35:48 -0400

Meditatii Online

Salut! Numele meu este Cristian Oprea si sunt freelancer. In plus, dau meditatii online la matematica,informatica, fizica sau in orice alt domeniu inrudit.

Am absolvit Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare din Bucuresti in anul 2002. Sunt si sef de promotie. Pe parcusul celor 8 ani de zile de cand realizez software, am lucrat cu multe persoane la proiecte diverse si am dobandit o experienta profesionala unica in programarea calculatoarelor. Va invit sa testati online sau sa cumparati doua dintre programele mele de suflet:

  • Javascript Poker 1.0 este un joc de poker electronic ce implementeaza varianta Jacks or Better Poker.
  • Simplex Solver 1.0 optimizeaza (maximizeaza sau minimizeaza) o functie liniara obiectiv Z de mai multe variabile supusa unui numar de restrictii liniare (egalitati si inegalitati de gradul I).

Meditatii Informatica

Am vesti bune sa va dau. Ati nimerit unde trebuie. Vom putea colabora eficient indiferent daca locuiti in Romania sau intr-o alta parte a globului. Actualele aplicatii software dezvoltate pentru reteaua Internet permit o comunicare audio/video realista intre persoane aflate la distanta. Practica de zi cu zi si experienta personala bogata in domeniul Meditatii Informatica (si nu numai) ma indreptatesc sa afirm ca aceasta comunicare este intotdeauna posibila si simplu de realizat chiar si cu un utilizator incepator. Singura conditie necesara este accesul la Internet. Bineinteles, ea este indeplinita in momentul in care cititi aceste randuri.

Meditatii Matematica si Fizica

In decursul celor 8 ani de zile de cand dau Meditatii Matematica si Fizica am cautat in permanenta ca beneficiile fiecarei sedinte sa fie maxime pentru elev. Din miile de aplicatii software interactive care ilustreaza grafic teoreme si concepte importante din matematica si fizica am selectat cu grija pe cele mai bune. Unele sunt atat de performante incat reusesc sa rezolve simbolic si nu doar numeric majoritatea tipurilor de probleme de Algebra si Analiza Matematica. Se explica detaliat chiar si toti pasii intermediari parcursi in rezolvarea problemei. Asadar, in lipsa profesorului, elevul poate apela oricand cu incredere la serviciile acestor adevarati meditatori automati la Meditatii Matematica si Fizica.

Testele Grila se folosesc din ce in ce mai des la bacalaureat, admitere in facultate si la examenele studentilor. Eu sunt expert in rezolvarea acestora. Pe langa calea clasica de aflare a solutiei corecte, cunosc diverse tehnici de eliminare a variantelor gresite de raspuns. Acestea ajuta enorm in economisirea timpului disponibil si sunt o solutie salvatoare atunci cand s-au uitat formulele.

Temele de casa, programele si proiectele ce trebuie elaborate la informatica, matematica, fizica sau in alte domenii conexe aglomereaza foarte mult elevii si studentii. Acestea vor fi atasate ca fisiere la mesajul de email. Atunci cand va fi necesar voi adauga si o inregistrare audio/video menita sa usureze intelegerea lucrurilor dificile. Aceasta va fi realizata in Flash si va fi disponibila pentru download sau vizualizare directa in browserul web.

La cererea clientului putem initia o convorbire telefonica gratuita pe Internet folosind Yahoo Messenger sau Skype. Asa cum am sugerat si la inceput, utilizand anumite aplicatii software, cata vreme clientul imi va permite, eu pot vizualiza si interactiona cu programele de pe desktop-ul acestuia. Clientul observa aceasta interactiune si poate sa intervina. In acest mod se depasesc barierele de distanta aflate intre noi si putem comunica audio/video la obiect pe baza proiectului in format electronic.

Plata acestor servicii se poate face cu usurinta prin transfer electronic de numerar efectuat la orice ghiseu bancar. Daca doriti sa colaboram, nu ezitati sa ma contactati.